-An aperture is a hole or an opening through which light travels. More specifically, the aperture of an optical systemis the opening that determines the cone angle of a bundle of rays that come to a focus in the image plane. The aperture determines how collimated the admitted rays are, which is of great importance for the appearance at the image plane. If an aperture is narrow, then highly collimated rays are admitted, resulting in a sharp focus at the image plane. If an aperture is wide, then uncollimated rays are admitted, resulting in a sharp focus only for rays with a certain focal length. This means that a wide aperture results in an image that is sharp around what the lens is focusing on and blurred otherwise. The aperture also determines how many of the incoming rays are actually admitted ('allowed into') and thus how much light reaches the image plane (the narrower the aperture, the darker the image for a given exposure time). In the human eye, the pupil is the aperture.


-The camera's shutter speed, the lens's brightness, and the scene's luminance together determine the amount of light that reaches the film or sensor (the expocure). Exposure value (EV) is a single quantity that accounts for the shutter speed and the f-number.The shutter speed scales engraved on the shutter speed dial of conventional camera bodies with a shutter speed ring orvia some flickering digital numerals on the LCD screen like 1/8000, 1/4000, 1/1000, 1/500, 1/250, 1/125, 1/60 and etc are eesentially indicators of the duration (timing) at which 1 means an one full-second the shutter opens up during an exposure process. A 1/125 setting means the shutter curtain open and close within one hundred and twenty five of a second while 1 means an one full-second the shutter opens up during exposure to absorb the avaible light source onto the film to form an exposure.

*Aperture = f2.8
*Aperture= f16  & f22
*Shutter speed= 1/15
*Shutter speed=1/500

 -"photography" was created from the Greek roots  genitive of , "light" andrepresentation by means of lines" or "drawing"together meaning "drawing with light".Several people may have coined the same new term from these roots independently. Hercules Florence, a French painter and inventor living in Campinas, Brazil, used the French form of the word, photographie, in private notes which a Brazilian photography historian believes were written in 1834.Johann von Maedler, a Berlin astronomer, is credited in a 1932 German history of photography as having used it in an article published on 25 February 1839 in the German newspaper.Both of these claims are now widely reported but apparently neither has ever been independently confirmed as beyond reasonable doubt. Credit has traditionally been given to Sir John Herschel both for coining the word and for introducing it to the public. His uses of it in private correspondence prior to 25 February 1839 and at his Royal Society lecture on the subject in London on 14 March 1839 have long been amply documented and accepted as settled facts. 


Cover magazine

- Depth of field (DOF) is the distance between the nearest and farthest objects in a scene that appear acceptably sharp in an image.

Shallow depth of field


Photo manipulation
In this task we were used the dark room. Here we learn how to form a picture with the chemicals.
the chemicals that used is:
Chemical 1 : Film developer
Chemical 2 : Stop bath
Chemical 3 : Rapid fixer


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