contextual practise

RECYCLE INTRODUCTION With the increasing of human population the needs for the people also increase. But the point of concern is that are there enough natural resources to service all your needs. What if these resource finish, this is one thing we need to ponder upon. We need to start recycling or recycling waste to converse our natural resources. Recycling is simply the process of reusing the items from which utility can still be derived. It is important to recycle waste so that you can at least converse some of our natural resources for generation to come. There many products that can be recycled such as papers, glass, tin, plastics and more. Recycling are important because many products such as paper, cardboards and cups comes from trees. In facts trees are our naturals assets, you can converse trees cut down a year. This is one form of waste recycling. One should understand and know the importance of recycling waste materials. One simple benefits of recycling is it saves ou...